Author: Paola

  • Week 6

    This week I’m reflecting on how the content of my blog and how there tend to be patterns that aren’t what I initially intended; however, my mindset is changing as to how this blog should be approached. Initially, I thought most of these posts would encourage me to do smaller, more tactile activities that I’ve…

  • The Cat Cube Catastrophe

    I’m sure some readers have figured out that I take a liking to miniatures; models, pumpkins, anything really. Well…surprise. This week, I decided to put a pause on pumpkin carving and decided to play around with a miniature cat in a cube. What was my goal this week?I wanted to put a recently acquired skill…

  • Mini Assignment #3

    Mini Assignment #3

    Media Story

  • Peer Review #1

    Peer Review #1

    A review of Films of Yesteryear Dear Dharshan, Upon reviewing your online self in the form of the Films of Yesteryear blog, I can say that it was a pleasurable and enjoyable observation. I appreciate your efforts in terms of applying the course teachings, but also on a personal level. Content & ClarityYour blog posts…

  • Pumpkin Wine and Dine

    ‘Tis the season! Surprisingly, I live not even 10 minutes away from about 3 pumpkin farms and can’t even remember the last time I picked my own pumpkin from a patch. With my friend, Taylen, and her birthday coming up, we made the march down to the patch to participate in some festive fall activities.…

  • Week 5

    This week I began to explore more organizational elements to my blog, as I wanted to ensure that visitors can navigate easily and efficiently. At the start, I had my blog posts and process posts all on their own single pages. Over the weeks, I realized this was not ideal because the pages would begin…

  • Week 4

    This week, I’m reflecting on the intended audience I’ve been writing for, or whether I should adapt the voice of this blog to better address an audience. While I’m writing, I have two intended audiences in mind: individuals in their 20’s but also myself. I sort of see myself as part of the audience. If…

  • The Queens of Guitar Hero

    I haven’t a clue how to play a real guitar, but I am a big fan of hitting those colourful buttons on a plastic one. Guitar Hero has always been on of my favourite games to play, especially since it now exists as ‘Clone Hero’ which is basically the free desktop version that some beautiful…

  • Mini Assignment #2

    Mini Assignment #2

    Guest Post Pick a Marvel, DC, or a personal cultural hero to embody in a “guest post” for your blog. Hello everyone, my name is Wanda Maximoff, but many of you may know me as the Scarlet Witch. The last couple months I’ve decided to lay low with, you know, all the destruction and dark…

  • Week 3

    This week I began wondering what would happen during a week where I genuinely don’t have the time to fulfill an ‘enjoyable’ activity, as per the goal for this blog. It happens, some weeks are just busier than others and sometimes ‘fun’ has to be put on pause – just not for too long of…

  • The Wee Hours of the Slideshow Saga

    Going from ‘haha’ to heartbreak in a matter of 20 seconds must be some type of record. Well, that’s the strange, algorithmic power of Tiktok. If you’re on Tiktok, you’re well aware that once you like 1 post, your whole feed is flooded with whatever content was in that post you liked. Like…a tsunami of…

  • Week 2

    The past week marked the official start to setting up my blog site..with a few bumps in the road I had to figure out.  Surprisingly, one of the decisions that took the longest to make was the title and tagline of the blog itself. Initially, I had made the title “The End Has No End”…

  • Close Encounters of the Monkey Kind

    I’ve never seen so many monkeys screaming in the same room. I felt like I belonged. By monkeys, I’m referring to the thousands of screaming Arctic Monkeys fans at the recent concert that just passed on September 23 at Vancouver’s Pacific Coliseum. These fans were hardcore, myself included. Within the army of leather jackets and…

  • Mini Assignment #1

    Mini Assignment #1

    Meme When tasked to create a meme about myself or my blog, I decided to base it around what keeps me motivated in busy times. No matter the stage in life, I believe you should always have something to look forward to; whether it be a big trip or date in the far future, or…

  • Week 1

    While I’m no stranger to interacting with the public, I made it a goal this week to make conversation with seniors at my place of work. Hundreds of customers walk through those doors each day. Yes, at times my social battery runs out and I’m tired of people asking “where’s the milk around here” or…

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