Peer Review #2

A review of Pink Panther Designs

Dear Regina, 

I had the chance to review your online self in the form of your Pink Panther Designs website. I must say, I think you did a lovely job at encapsulating yourself, your goal, and your intentions online. Your website is an inclusive safe space and I can sense your sincerity throughout; I commend you for making your blog larger than yourself while also including opportunities to involve the community. To ensure your blog has an even stronger impression and effect, I’ve divided up some observations and recommendations into three categories: 

Visual Design and Layout
I appreciate that you use pink to not only convey your brand, but also to highlight important elements throughout your website. My recommendation upon first impression is to ensure that your navigation is legible throughout; on the home page it is a very light shade of pink which renders it difficult to see. For accessibility reasons (such as those with visual impairments), I recommend changing it to another contrasting color to ensure everyone can read it, and to double check that this is applied throughout the different pages. Secondly, I am impressed by how many services you offer! I think to better communicate everything you offer without being overwhelming, I recommend making your images on your homepage a bit smaller. They are rather large that all your content is in a long list in which the user must scroll quite a bit. I believe having a smaller overview of everything with some white space will be beneficial to understanding your services quicker! Moreover, I recommend exploring with different margins and paddings, just so your content is not flush against the left side of the home page, similar to how you organized your blog posts! Those layouts are very easy to navigate and read.

Content and Readability 
I appreciate that you have lots of imagery to showcase the services you are giving and it is very easy to see what your style is. (I love your jewelry section!) I think to improve this further, I recommend being a bit more clear on which images are your and which are stock images. Regardless if you used them or not, sometimes the quality of certain images varies a lot on the same page, so it causes the audience to think if this image is yours or not. I think to help clarify this, add alt text/image description to your photos, especially since you are offering products and services. I think this would help clarify content and even promote more sales for you! Stock imagery for backgrounds is clear to understand, but I recommend making sure images on a page are relevant to the content. For example, perhaps remove the airplane image on the tattoo portfolio to not cause any confusion. Finally, I really appreciate you dividing your written content into digestible chunks; it makes your content easy to understand and the use of varying headings improves clarity and comprehension!

Usability and Structure
Similar to above, my only recommendation is to ensure your home page is as strong as your other pages. Your other pages resize properly in different browser sizes and your menus are easy to navigate through. Just ensure that your home page has these strengths as it is a little difficult to decide where to click first. I recommend adding some CTAs (call to actions) such as buttons and additional hierarchy on your home page. With these, the audience is prompted to click on a service or directed to read a post – this helps give the reader some direction. And once more, just make sure your navigation is highly visible because your content deserves to be seen! 🙂 Finally, I recommend just having 1 contact button in your navigation, just because I was a little confused why the phone number also led to the same page.

All in all, I am impressed by your purpose and services, Regina. You have so much to offer and so much content that I commend you for taking on a project of this size – it’s inspiring! I hope these recommendations take your website even further because your content deserves to have the best presentation and results possible. I wish you the best with your future endeavors and am excited to see the final results at the end of the semester! 


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