Week 8

While in the topic of copyright, ChatGPT, and the upcoming essay, I wanted to discuss some thoughts regarding voices and copyrighting, especially in an age where it has become acceptable in a workplace to use AI as an assistant.

My personal thoughts are that ChatGPT can be used to replace tedious tasks, only once you have endure and become proficient in them yourself. What I mean by this, is that for example, if you are using ChatGPT to come up with title, subtitles, or to sort through collections of data, or to write in a corporate voice: you should prove that you can do it yourself first, rather than relying on AI to do all the work for you.

If a company needs a certain piece of writing in a specific tone of voice, the individual should be hired based on their ability to actually be able to do so individually, rather than with an AI. If it can be proved that the individual can indeed produce written work in the tone and voice required, or whatever task is needed to be done, then afterwards I do agree that AI can be utilized as an assistive tool.

This concern stems from the question that has been asked in universities: how should ChatGPT be taught and should we even be taught to use it in the first place? The same question goes for children: should children be taught to use AI? Are they becoming over-reliant on it?

I agree that it can be a very powerful learning tool, but I have to insist that the basics should be taught and learned first in education without the use of ChatGPT or AI. I believe those writing, problem solving, and creative skills are crucial to learning and should be developed your own, without AI. Learning isn’t meant to be easy; you are meant to struggle in order to grow. We’re at a tipping point where AI is facilitating too many things at too early of a stage, so I do believe it has potential but it also has its limits.


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