Week 4

This week, I’m reflecting on the intended audience I’ve been writing for, or whether I should adapt the voice of this blog to better address an audience.

While I’m writing, I have two intended audiences in mind: individuals in their 20’s but also myself. I sort of see myself as part of the audience. If I had to be extra specific, my intended audience is those who like to look at life as if it were through a lens; almost as if you’re nostalgic for things that are still happening. I’m writing for those who wish to capture and grasp the tiny beauties and simplicities in life, because in the end you realize those little things resurface in your memories more often than you think.

It’s almost like this blog is like a time capsule, or a journal, or a scrapbook to document the things I did while I was in my twenties in my last term of university. In a way, I hope its simplicity and rawness is what inspires others my age to do the same; your memories don’t always have to be grand and beautiful to be worthy of posting online; they can be small, they can be simple. As long as they mean something to you, then you have every reason to post however you wish.

With this in mind, I realized the differences in audiences here versus when I post on Instagram. On my blog, I guess I am a little more free with what I can write and not a lot of people know this is me, personally. It’s almost freeing, because I can write about anything, out into the open, without ever knowing how many people will read this. And in a way, that thought is very exciting. I don’t worry about my pictures being perfect, but rather authentic. With this, I’m inspired to transfer this mentality over to my Instagram. I rarely post on my accounts because I usually like to have more visually pleasing photos; I want to move a little away from that and just post whatever I feel makes me feel better.


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