Week 5

This week I began to explore more organizational elements to my blog, as I wanted to ensure that visitors can navigate easily and efficiently.

At the start, I had my blog posts and process posts all on their own single pages. Over the weeks, I realized this was not ideal because the pages would begin to get very long, and it is not ideal to have users scroll for extended amounts of time to reach the bottom of a page.

To improve this, I decided make the ‘blog’ page a main page, as well as the ‘process posts’ page. Within these main pages, users can see a list of the associated blog posts and choose to read them by clicking from here. This is much more convenient than having one single page with a long list of posts. I was initially going to keep this for my process posts as they are typically shorter than regular posts, but I decided that this convenience and navigation should be consistent throughout the site, and not just for the blog posts.

An issue I ran into when making everything a ‘blog’ post and then tagging them to their respective pages, is that every blog post could be seen on the homepage and on the main ‘blog page.’ This was a learning curve, as I had not previously used WordPress and didn’t know that every blog post was automatically shown on the main blog page.

Since I didn’t want every post to be shown on the homepage or blogs page, I did some research and found a plug in called “WordPress Hide Posts” that allows me to select where I wanted certain blog posts to be hidden. For mini assignments, peer reviews and process posts, I choose to hide them from the home page and only show them in the Posiel navigation, simply to have the homepage of my blog be more dedicated to the audience and the topics I’ve chosen to write about. I just prefer to keep the Posiel posts separate in case I ever choose to continue this blog after the class.

I’ve also decided to add more categories and subcategories to help with sorting and assigning what blogs will go on certain pages.

What the plug in looks like when writing a new blog post.

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