Peer Review #3
A review of The Reading Bumble Bee Dear Bathila, I had the lovely chance to review your blog, The Reading Bumble Bee. You did a commendable job with your website and is very enjoyable to read through; your mixture of posts about books, your reading processes/habits, and other book-related topics is refreshing and informative, especially…
Peer Review #2
A review of Pink Panther Designs Dear Regina, I had the chance to review your online self in the form of your Pink Panther Designs website. I must say, I think you did a lovely job at encapsulating yourself, your goal, and your intentions online. Your website is an inclusive safe space and I can…
Peer Review #1
A review of Films of Yesteryear Dear Dharshan, Upon reviewing your online self in the form of the Films of Yesteryear blog, I can say that it was a pleasurable and enjoyable observation. I appreciate your efforts in terms of applying the course teachings, but also on a personal level. Content & ClarityYour blog posts…