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  • The End of the End, and 3 Sides of Fries, Please.

    As I briefly mentioned in my previous post, this is my last term as a university student. Now, of course I’m happy to be done, but I am an emotional person and it feels bittersweet that it’s all coming to an end. Might as well go out in a festive fashion! 🙂 What was my…

  • A $1,259 Bowl of Mango Sticky Rice

    Let me start off by saying, buy your tickets early folks! What was my goal this week?Since I’m almost done my academic career, I wanted to gift myself a trip that wouldn’t break the bank, as I would like to go somewhere in the Summer of 2024. After hearing about the adventures and experiences a…

  • The Embracement of Artificial Intelligence’s Influence | Short Essay

    Halfway through an academic venture, is it not daunting to hear that one’s degree may not have any value in 10 years? Even 5 years? This is the impending news that many students and workers are discovering in regards to artificial intelligence and its rapid evolution in the sectors of countless industries. From medicine, to…

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